open ftp service in HPUX


ftp          stream tcp6 nowait root /usr/lbin/ftpd     ftpd -l

1. Modify /etc/services to add FTP ports. The following example shows two additional data ports, ftp2 and ftp3 added:

    ftp-data      20/tcp                 # File Transfer Protocol (Data)
    ftp           21/tcp                 # File Transfer Protocol (Control)
    ftp2          5802/tcp                 # File Transfer Protocol Test

delete # in the head of a line。    

2. Modify /etc/inetd.conf:

    ftp     stream tcp nowait root /usr/lbin/ftpd 
    ftp2    stream tcp nowait root /usr/lbin/ftpd  ftpd -l 

3. Run inetd -c, so inetd sees the new configuration.

4. Verify that /etc/nsswitch.conf exists


5,restart inetd 

#/sbin/init.d/inetd stop

Internet Services stopped

#/sbin/init.d/inetd start

Internet Services started

You MUST remember the connect will be broke whe stop is executed, and you should run the in console.

method ii: standalone mod

/usr/lbin/ftpd -S -l -C 2000 -c 5802

2. Modify /etc/services to add FTP ports. The following example shows ports ftp4 and ftp5 added:

    ftp1        5802/tcp                 # File Transfer Protocol Test



10.29 Slow HTTP Denial of Service Attack (Slowloris)

在CentOS 8 Stream安裝NTP Client與設定時區

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