
目前顯示的是 2月, 2021的文章

mysql log出現IP not be resolved

mysql log出現  [Warning] IP address 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx' could not be resolved: Name or service not known 原因是 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx無法被反解,但不影響使用,解決方法就是在 /etc/hosts 加入該項 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx host.domain

在CentOS 8 Stream安裝NTP Client與設定時區

sudo dnf install chrony vi /etc/chrony.conf 加入 server tock.stdtime.gov.tw sudo systemctl enable chronyd sudo systemctl start chronyd sudo timedatectl set-timezone Asia/Taipei date ls -l /etc/localtime 在Fortigate設定NTP自動校準時間 Use this command to configure Network Time Protocol (NTP) servers. The Network Time Protocol enables you to keep the FortiGate time in sync with other network systems. By enabling NTP on the FortiGate, FortiOS will check with the NTP server you select at the configured intervals. This will also ensure that logs and other time-sensitive settings on the FortiGate are correct. The FortiGate maintains its internal clock using a built-in battery. At start up, the time reported by the FortiGate will indicate the hardware clock time, which may not be accurate. When using NTP, the system time might change after the FortiGate has successfully obtained the time from a configured NTP server. config system ntp set ntpsync {enable | disable} Enable/disable setting the Forti...

WIFI 6(AX)跟5(AC)的使用差異

 AX部分要環境滿滿5Ghz訊號覆蓋 利用DFS去壓榨更多頻寬才有意義 特別是那些穿牆而來的訊號大部分都是2.4G 至於160Mhz頻寬 也不是所有AX都有 這些情控之下 AX跟AC的使用差異真的不到